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New! Health Advocacy in Tennessee

Welcome to the Tennessee TeleDerm Advocacy page! Patient advocacy has long been a cornerstone of nursing and healthcare. From access to care, affordable care, and healthcare for marginalized populations, we’ve seen healthcare providers on the front lines of many advocacy issues.

However, recent developments at the state and federal level, have highlighted the need for new, immediate, and sustainable healthcare advocacy.

Loss of reproductive rights is a health crisis. Gun violence is a health crisis. Mental health in adults and children is in crisis. COVID looms. Transgender care is in jeopardy. Maternal and infant death rates are higher in the US than every peer country. Tennessee ranks an abysmal 40th within the US.

We need everyday advocacy from everyone. Relentless incrementalism is the term Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, uses to describe how change is made.

Over the coming months, we hope to pass along advocacy information from experts in each area. The goal is to inform readers on the status of health crises in Tennessee and offer a simple, sustainable plan for advocacy.

Invite your friends and stay tuned!

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