Everything You Need to Know About Sunburns

Sunburns appear as hot red patches of skin after extended sun exposure

Sunburn is a form of skin damage caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. A sunburn can develop after as little as 15 minutes in direct sunlight, depending on the time of year, time of day, and skin tone. Repeated overexposure and sunburning can lead to permanent skin damage and skin cancer.

All skin tones are susceptible to burning. The highest risk people for sunburn are those with blonde hair, blue eyes, fair and freckled skin. Darker skin tones have a lower risk of sunburn, but the risk is not zero. Black and Brown skin people are diagnosed with skin cancers, too.

A sunburn is characterized by red, painful skin that can be accompanied by swelling, itching, and blisters. The skin also feels warm for up to 24 hours following a sunburn.

Sunburns can range from mild to severe and can take up to several days to heal, depending on the depth of the burn. Sunburns damage the DNA of the skin, resulting in peeling and blisters. This damaged skin is no longer normal and sheds.

In extreme cases, sunburns can even cause permanent damage to the skin. Sunburns may result in skin discoloration such as:

–hypo or hyperpigmented patches


–red, ruddy and thickened skin (poikeloderma) on the chest and neck

–solar lentigos / sun spots commonly seen on the face, chest, and hands

How to detect the signs of skin cancer early.

To prevent sunburn, it is important to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and to reapply accordingly. Mineral based SPFs are preferred. Mineral based SPF contain zinc and/or titanium which are minerals that provider a layer of physical protection on the skin. Chemical sunscreens offer good protection as well, but are less reliable in water and over longer periods of time spent in the sun. It is highly recommended that children, or adults with high risk for skin cancer, use a mineral based SPF.

Wearing protective clothing such as a hat, sunglasses, rash guard or long-sleeved shirt can help protect your skin from UV damage. Protective clothing is preferable to SPF as it offers all day protection without reapplication. Additionally, avoid direct sunlight during peak hours of the day by seeking shade from a tree or an umbrella or tent.

A couple applying sunscreen at the beach to prevent sunburns.

It is important to stay hydrated and limit alcohol consumption when spending time in the sun. Taking these precautions can help you avoid the discomfort of sunburn and reduce your risk of developing skin cancer in the future.

Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available to help reduce the symptoms of sunburn and prevent further damage to your skin. These treatments include over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

Extra hydration is also recommended. Moderate to severe sunburns require fluid to heal, therefore the fluid needs of the body are increased after a sunburn.

Home remedies such as cool baths and ice packs can cool the skin and relieve minor pain. Blistering sunburns may require medical intervention if the skin becomes infected. Seek medical care if symptoms worsen instead of improving.

What is Medical Dermatology?

Dermatology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair, and nail conditions. Common conditions treated by dermatologists include acne, rosacea, eczema, hair loss or alopecia, rashes, and nail fungus.

In Tennessee, dermatologists are available in cities such as Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Murfreesboro, Clarksville, Lebanon, and Chattanooga to provide diagnosis and treatment for these conditions.

Telehealth services have also become increasingly popular for those who need access to a dermatologist but cannot make it in to an office visit. With telehealth services, people living anywhere in Tennessee can connect with a dermatologist from the comfort of their own home or office.

Tennessee TeleDerm is a dermatology practice that provides treatment for its patients in Nashville and across the state of Tennessee. Led by Nurse Practitioner Kristen Stirling, the practice focuses on providing quality care and convenience to its patients. Tennessee TeleDerm offers dermatological services such as skin exams, skin cancer screenings, and treatments for various skin conditions.

By using telemedicine technology, Tennessee TeleDerm is able to offer a more convenient experience to its patients while still ensuring they receive the same quality of care they would receive in an in-person visit. With telemedicine, Tennessee TeleDerm can reduce long wait times and provide faster access to care for their patients.

Whether you are seen in office or by telemedicine, you can trust that you will receive excellent dermatology care.

The Top 10 Skin Conditions Treated with Telemedicine

Save time and enjoy the convenience of dermatology from your home, office, or out of town.

Many common skin conditions can be diagnosed by sight. This makes telemedicine a valuable tool both for patients and the dermatologists who treat them.

A virtual visit is safe and convenient, using modern technology you probably already own – like a smart phone, tablet or a laptop with a web camera. All you need is an Internet connection, which you also already have if you’re reading this. With teledermatology, you speak directly to a dermatologist without the inconvenience of travelling to a medical office. This saves time, too.

A dermatologist can diagnose and recommend a course of treatment for many common skin conditions just by examining the affected area. There’s no need to pull, poke or even touch the skin. A visual inspection is often enough to diagnose common ailments.

Virtual visits to the dermatologist became popular during the pandemic, mainly for safety reasons. But soon patients discovered how convenient telehealth can be. If necessary, your dermatologist may recommend an in-person visit based on any evidence of more serious conditions, but many skin problems are well-suited to treatment via virtual visits.

Here are 10 of the most common skin conditions that can be diagnosed through telemedicine and virtual care:

Physical acne scars are caused by collagen buildup



Pimples and blackheads are obvious even to the untrained eye. Your dermatologist can evaluate the severity in a virtual visit and recommend a treatment plan. This can range from changes in your skin care routine to diet and prescriptions for medications. Your dermatologist will contact the pharmacy you choose for preparation of your acne medicines. You receive acne care from the comfort of your own home.

Applying cold cream to eczema can reduce swelling and itchiness. Call Tennessee Telederm for more help dealing with eczema this winter.



An itchy rash on the arms and the back of the knees may be eczema, although the rash can appear anywhere. About 10% of the US adult population will develop eczema at some point, reports the American Academy of Dermatology. Your dermatologist can identify eczema through a video visit or from photographs that you take of the affected area and upload to the dermatologist’s website for evaluation. It’s a simple process. After a diagnosis, your dermatologist can prescribe medicated creams to relieve the itching and discuss basic changes to your hygiene routine, including switching to another brand of soap, for example, and avoiding skin contact with detergents and household cleaning products.


Hives and Rashes

Hives and Other Rashes
Red welts (hives) and skin rashes are the body’s response to an allergic reaction, typically from food, medication or an irritant in the environment. Your dermatologist during a telemedicine visit can identify hives and rashes from a visual inspection via photographs or video. You’ll often be asked to answer a series of questions about recent contact with any plants, or changes in diet, habits and living conditions. This is designed to pinpoint the cause of the hives or rash. Because hives and skin rashes are notoriously itchy, a telemedicine visit from the comfort of your own home may be ideal for children suffering from these conditions.



These painful blisters are caused by reactivated chickenpox virus. If you had chickenpox as a child, the residual virus can trigger a shingles outbreak years or even decades later in life. Vaccines against chickenpox can reduce – but not completely eliminate – the risk of developing shingles. The virus causes the skin to blister in long strips, often around the torso.

In the blister stage shingles are extremely contagious, so a telemedicine consultation with your dermatologist is the best plan of action. A visual inspection of the affected area is usually sufficient to identify shingles. Treatment involves antiviral and pain medications.

An outbreak of shingles is a serious skin condition that can be dangerous if it spreads to the face, especially near or around the eyes. Talk to your dermatologist right away if you experience symptoms of shingles.



This highly contagious bacterial skin infection mainly affects young children. Either Staphylococcus (staph) or Streptococcus (strep) bacteria is the cause. Impetigo can often be diagnosed and treated with a telemedicine visit from home, which is a great advantage in preventing the spread of the infection to other children. Prescription antibiotics are the common treatment for Impetigo.

Stop hair loss and regrow your hair by seeing a dermatologist in Tennessee.


Hair loss

Women and men can be affected by hair loss, for a variety of reasons. Diagnosis can begin with a teledermatology visit. An in-office follow up may be necessary to run a blood test that can rule out a hormonal imbalance as the reason for hair loss. Your dermatologist can use telemedicine to identify more common causes of hair loss, including male pattern baldness and scalp ringworm, which is not a worm at all but a fungal infection that can cause itching and spotty hair loss.

Scalp ringworm is highly contagious, which makes a telemedicine visit even more useful. Treatment involves oral medicines and medicated shampoo to eliminate the fungus. Your dermatologist can issue these prescriptions directly to the pharmacy of your choice, so there’s no need for an office visit.

Psoriasis flare up - itchy skin condition


This skin disease causes red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis is a common, long-term (chronic) disease with no cure. It tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months, then subsiding for a while or going into remission, according to The Mayo Clinic. Roughly 7 million U.S. adults live with psoriasis. The condition can be readily managed through telemedicine visits, from the initial diagnosis to follow-up care. Photos or video are often enough to diagnose psoriasis, though in some cases you may need to make an office visit to your dermatologist. Once a treatment plan is in place, including any medications, going forward your condition can be monitored with virtual visits.



This skin condition presents as a reddening of the face, sometimes causing the formation of pimples. A video visit with your dermatologist is usually all that’s necessary to make a diagnosis. Symptoms are typically treated with prescription medications, which can be ordered for you. The dermatologist may also send information over the Internet about managing your rosacea


Cold Sores

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are a common viral infection. These fluid-filled blisters may be painful to the touch and leave a crusty scab after bursting. Cold sores usually go away after a week or two without leaving a scar. Meanwhile, they are unsightly and uncomfortable. A virtual visit is often enough for your dermatologist to identify cold sores. Treatment involves prescription medications and avoiding close contact with other people, as the viral infection is highly contagious (another good reason for telemedicine – keeping people safe).

The convenience and safety of teledermatology make it an attractive option for diagnosing many common skin conditions. Just as you would during an in-person visit, it’s important to provide complete information and share with your dermatologist any other health conditions you may have, even if they are unrelated to a skin problem.

A mans back with moles to represent getting a skin cancer screening


Skin Cancer

Teledermatology was originally conceived as a way to diagnose melanoma among people in rural communities and isolated areas that lack access to a dermatologist. Once people discovered the convenience of telemedicine, especially during a public health crisis, virtual visits for skin care really began to take off. Skin cancer is the most common melanoma in the United States, the CDC reports. Effective treatment begins with early detection.

Your dermatologist can identify suspicious skin lesions during a virtual visit via video or from photos you upload to a secure website. If the condition appears cancerous, a follow-up visit in person will be necessary. Depending on the severity, your dermatologist may remove the lesion with same-day outpatient surgery or perform a biopsy to examine the tissue sample under a microscope for more extensive evaluation. Either way, the process can begin with the ease of a virtual visit.

Choose Tennessee Telederm

Local and expert care, available in the palm of your hand! Tennessee Telederm offers teledermatology visits Monday-Friday to anyone living in Tennessee, from Jackson to Kingsport. You no longer have to call and wait weeks or months for an appointment. We can treat you over telehealth, and if needed, refer you to an in- office provider for further testing. Schedule on our website at tntelederm.com

OTC Skin Care vs Medical Grade Skin Care Products

If you’ve been using Over-the-Counter (OTC) skincare products since for years, you’re certainly not alone. All over the country, millions of Americans continue to invest large sums of money and energy in search of the perfect skincare regimen to fight acne, remove dark spots and scarring, and keep their skin looking younger and healthier.

Throughout this search, it’s likely you’ve accumulated a fair assortment of skincare products—from face lotions and anti-aging serums to eye creams and more – that have overtaken your bathroom! But do any of these skincare products really work? Do they leave your skin healthier? Are you satisfied with your skin’s appearance, or do you find yourself back in line at your local cosmetic store looking for a better alternative?

When the topic of medical-grade skincare products arises, there’s many misconceptions that often prevent men and women from making the switch, including, but not limited to,

  • Medical-grade products are too expensive
  • All medical-grade products require an Rx
  • Only older patients need medical-grade products to improve their complexion

The reality is medical-grade products add more value to your skincare routine and help you spend less time searching for products (that end up not working) and more time treating your underlining skin condition. While many medical-grade products require a prescription, most products are available for sale at your local dermatology clinic. When you schedule a consultation with Tennessee Telederm, you’ll meet with Kristen Stirling, a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner, who will assess your skin concerns, review your goals, and guide you to the best products for your skin type. In addition, medical-grade products are ideal for any age group, and the earlier you start incorporating them into your daily routine, the greater chance you have to prevent early signs of aging and protect your skin against future damage.

To help you decide whether or not to make the switch, here’s a brief comparison on OTC skin care vs. medical grade.

Although you may think your skin is getting all the essential ingredients it needs to maintain (or restore) a healthy, younger looking complexion, the truth is OTC skincare products are highly ineffective when compared to medical-grade skincare products. Why the discrepancy? For one thing, OTC products are required by law to reduce the amount of active ingredients in its formula. When you see product labels that claim to be “clinically proven” or “dermatologist recommended”, this only means the product contains a small portion of active ingredients so that it won’t harm your skin, if not used as directed. And what this alludes to is your skincare products are far too weak to treat your individual skin condition and enhance your skin’s natural beauty.

In contrast, medical-grade skincare products are thoroughly researched, repeatedly tested, provider supervised, and FDA-cleared for patient use. Why? Because they contain a higher level of active ingredients; therefore, they must first undergo a thorough examination to ensure safety and efficacy for your skin. Another great feature of medical-grade products that work in your skin’s favor is they offer a better delivery system to help penetrate the skin, allowing the ingredients to delve deeper and treat the core issue of your skin condition, whereas OTC products can only treat the skin’s surface.

Customizable for Your Unique Skin Type: Every skin type is unique, which means the acne treatment gel or face wash that works for your friend may not be as effective in treating you for the same condition. And depending on your skin’s sensitivity, it may cause unwanted side effects, such as dryness or skin irritation that can damage your skin. With medical-grade skin care, a dermatology specialist will work with you to provide a customized treatment plan to accurately address your individual skin condition, saving you time and money in the long run. In addition, the specialist will work with you to adjust the treatment plan if necessary to ensure you’re receiving the right products or if you decide to change your skincare goals. You benefit by having a licensed professional you can trust working with you and guiding you to the best care for your skin.

You Get What You Pay For: In your quest to find the best skin care regimen, it’s easy to waste a lot of time (not to mention money) on products that don’t help you achieve your skincare goals. Although medical-grade skincare products cost more than the average OTC product, the investment will save you in the end. Think back to our earlier example of a bathroom cabinet filled with various products to treat a variety of skin issues (e.g. crow’s feet, oily skin, acne, etc.). When you add all those products together, it may surprise you of how much you’re already investing in skincare products. Now, imagine having one or more products in your cabinet that actively work to treat your skin and also provide fast results. You may discover that investing a little more money into a quality product now can actually save you money later.

Your Skin Will Thank You: As the body’s largest organ, our skin is exposed to toxins, pollutants, chemicals, and UV rays on a regular basis. So, to give it the best care possible, you need the best skincare products on the market. Think of medical-grade products as a long-term solution for your skin’s health and wellness. Because higher doses of ingredients are working at a much deeper skin layer, you can expect better results in less time, and the longer you use it, the less likely you are to need cosmetic treatments to correct a skin condition as you get older.

Ready to dump the old skincare routine? To learn more about medical-grade skincare products and how they work to treat your individual skin condition, contact Tennessee Telederm at tntelederm.com.

Expanding Access to Care with Wade Munday

TTD: Please share with readers a bit of your background. What led you to your involvement in healthcare advocacy?

My involvement in healthcare began with a mission trip. When I was in college, I traveled to Ethiopia to live and play for a summer. It was the first time I had ever flown on an airplane, and it was the summer after 9/11. During that time, I was fortunate to receive a unique education. At the end of my time there, a friend approached me. Worku was responsible for protecting our building, and I had spent hours talking with him and even more time playing soccer with him. The latter activity was quite difficult, however. As a child, a boiling pot of water had been tipped over and burned his foot, melting the skin so that his soft, pliable infant foot was connected to his shin by scar tissue. As an adult, he walked on his heel with constant pain and obvious discomfort. Yet, he found joy and happiness on the soccer pitch. 

When Worku approached me, he had a simple request: 75 US dollars so that he could afford a surgical procedure that would finally fix his foot. My grandfather had given me some money for the summer and I still had most of it. I was happy to help my friend.

TTD: Explain how lack of access to care affects Tennesseans.

There are millions of stories about families forced to make the decision between healthcare and food, clothing, or shelter. Tennessee leads the nation in medical bankruptcies. On top of that, more than 20 counties in Tennessee don’t even have a hospital.

How are we supposed to live happy and healthy lives when quality, affordable healthcare is so far out of reach? To answer that question, I think there are three essential points to consider:

  1. Government has a place. Most people want an efficient government – agencies making the best use of our tax dollars. Extraordinary sums of public dollars are spent at government safety net hospitals, community health centers, and other entities delivering care. They should be run effectively and transparently, and they should be at the forefront of utilizing new technologies that can improve patient outcomes and reduce recidivism.
  2. The private sector has a place. Most Americans have relied upon their employers to subsidize their health insurance premiums since World War II. Before that, our healthcare system operated like many low-income countries today. Patients pay out of pocket for everything and often go without even the most basic care. Not only do companies provide financial support to pay for healthcare in America, but many for-profit healthcare companies in the U.S. are designing innovative approaches to healthcare. The best companies run lean operations and have a plan for scale and sustainability that can disrupt the health sector.
  3. We have to look out for one another. Because I come from a place of privilege, I was able to help my friend Worku. Many Americans are not battling with medical debt or insurance companies, which is exactly why we must care for those Americans who are.

So how do we then go about looking out for others when it comes to healthcare? 

Neither the government nor the private sector will stop being important actors in delivering and paying for America’s healthcare system. What I propose is that all Americans become healthcare voters. Make healthcare a priority when it comes to who you elect to office, especially at the state and federal level. It’s important that we vote for candidates who want to build a stronger healthcare system now, in both the private and public sector. It’s important that we prioritize this political conversation before it comes to our household, because it’s already come to someone else’s.

  1. Be informed about a candidate’s specific plan to fix our country’s healthcare system (if they have one). And then apply your critical thinking skills to it. The biggest issue for the next election is Medicaid Expansion? You can read about it here. Why is it good or bad? What can it do to improve the lives of other Tennesseans?
  2. Hold candidates accountable. Demand that they speak to the issues affecting people’s lives. They should be holding town halls and releasing their own proposals to address problems if they don’t agree with a specific plan. Too often, politicians focus on divisive issues. They should be in the business of building up our civil society, not tearing it down.
  3. Inform your friends about how you plan to vote. Start an email and text chain and list the reasons why you’re a healthcare voter and who you believe is going to be an advocate for better healthcare in Tennessee. It doesn’t need to be combative. You’re entitled to your opinion and if it’s a well informed one, then no one should be upset about that.

We all have a place in healthcare, even if we’re not doctors. Understanding our place in the electoral process, that we are the ones who determine our future, is the best way to ensure that Tennesseans remain healthy and happy.

Treatment for Sun Damage

cream in a tube - G

Now that summer is over, you may have noticed changes in the tone and texture of your skin. Sun spots, wrinkles, melasma, and dry spots are all signs of sun damage.

Signs of sun damage can be treated with skin care products and in-office treatments. Fall and winter are ideal for treating sun damage, especially in Tennessee. Sun exposure should be avoided when treating sun damage.

Prevent sun damage

Repairing sun damage is futile without daily protection from the sun’s damaging rays.
At Tennessee Telederm, we recommend:

  • Application of moisturizer with SPF 30+ every day, regardless of season or weather. Apply to face, neck, & chest.
  • Sunglasses as often as able.
  • Wear a hat when outdoors for extended periods of time.

Morning application of an anti-oxidant serum has also been shown to minimize the effects of free radicals that assault the skin all day long.

In-office treatment

In-office treatments for sun damage are safe, effective, and offer the fastest results. Procedures for sun damage are customized to address the specific signs of sun damage like sun spots or fine lines.

  • Chemical Peels
  • Laser resurfacing

Chemical peels are suitable for all skin tones and most skin types. They range in depth, cost, and downtime so be sure to talk to your dermatology provider. They are easily performed over a lunch hour and are generally well-tolerated.

Laser therapy, like chemical peels, is available for all skin tones and skin types. Significant advancements in laser therapy over the past decade mean laser treatments are more targeted and widely available.

More than one in-office treatment may be recommended for sun damage.

Skin care for sun damage

In addition to in-office treatments, your dermatologist can recommend skin care for sun damage. Certain products can rejuvenate the skin, which may reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and dryness. Your dermatology provider can tell you which ingredients to look for over the counter or write a prescription.
Some individuals with sun damaged skin will benefit from retinoids. These products speed up cellular turnover, which can reduce the appearance of shallow wrinkles and sun spots. Certain acids, such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), can remove outer skin cells to improve skin texture and even out skin tone. Your dermatologist may also recommend a skin-lightening cream to fade sun spots.

Ingredients used in skin care for sun damage include;

  • Anti-oxidants like Green tea, Vitamin C, and Resveratrol
  • Retinol or Retinoid (Adapalene)
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)
  • Hydroquinone

Prescription strength products often combine these ingredients into a single cream.

Remember to always discuss your skin needs with a dermatology provider before starting a skin care regimen. They will tell you which products are safe to use together, as well as which can increase skin sensitivity.

If you’re interested in treatment for sun damage or skin care for sun damage, Tennessee TeleDerm is here to help. Book a convenient telehealth appointment online at tntelederm.com. We treat patients throughout Tennessee, including Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville, and Clarksville.

Summer and Phytophotodermatitis

Phyto-photo what?  Yes, it is a mouthful!  Though this skin condition is not serious, it can put a damper on your summer plans.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Phyto means plant 
  • Photo means light or sun
  • Dermatitis means skin irritation

Why it happens

Certain plants and fruits — especially citrus fruits like limes — contain psoralen, a substance that can make skin more sensitive to the sun. When psoralen on the skin and UV rays combine, a reaction occurs. This reaction leads to a rash.

Foods and plants that can cause a phytophotodermatitis rash include:

  • Citrus fruits, particularly limes and bergamot oranges
  • Celery
  • Fennel
  • Figs
  • Saint John’s Wort
  • Wild dill
  • Wild parsley
  • Wild parsnips

Lime juice is most frequently the trigger for phytophotodermatitis.  From summer drinks to latin food and marinades, lime juice is a summer staple!  

In Tennessee, phytophotodermatitis is seen in June, July, and August when UV rays are strongest. Summer is also travel season, when people head to tropical locations, which have stronger UV rays.

Who is most affected?

Lighter skin folks are more at risk for phytophotodermatitis, just as they are at higher risk for sunburn.  Prolonged sun exposure and contact with foods containing psoralen, increase the likelihood and severity of a phytophotodermatitis reaction.

What do we most often see in patients?

Patients who spend lots of time outdoors at the beach, lake, or by the barbecue and who enjoyed food and beverages with lime juice.  Chefs, bartenders, and others who work with food have an increased risk of this rash, especially when serving on patios, working at pool bars, etc.


Adults can get allergic rashes. Get treatment from the best dermatologist in TN

How to identify it

Phytophotodermatitis presents in a bizarre pattern on the skin.  It may look like smear marks, or a drip pattern down the hand or leg, or some other geometric shape. No two rash patches look the same.

Rash is most common on the hands, wrists, legs, and face. Often the rash is pink in the beginning, like a sunburn, and develops into a brick red color over a few days. Sometimes the rash contains blisters.  

What to do about it

A mild case of phytophotodermatitis may go unnoticed, while other reactions are severe enough that you seek help from a dermatologist. At Tennessee TeleDerm, we treat patients with phytophotodermatitis every summer.  

Here’s what to do if you suspect you have phytophotodermatitis:

  • Use cold, wet compresses when symptoms appear.
  • Keep affected skin out of the sun.
  • Don’t pop any blisters.
  • Keep the skin clean with daily bathing as normal.

Once blisters drain, the affected skin should be gently cleaned and covered with Vaseline and a bandage to prevent bacterial infections. Change dressing daily. Using antibiotic ointment where no infection exists, can delay healing.  

How to prevent it

Preventing phytophotodermatitis is fairly easy.  Washing skin (after cutting limes for example) to remove psoralen containing compounds, is most effective.  When by the pool or at the beach, rinse skin off regularly.  Wipe skin with a wet cloth if cooking or serving outdoors.  

About Tennessee Telederm
If you have a rash and suspect it could be phytophotodermatitis, book an appointment with Tennessee Telederm.  We treat most dermatology conditions including acne, eczema, rosacea, warts, hair loss, and rashes. Whether you live in Nashville, Murfreesboro, Jackson, Clarksville, or Knoxville, we can see you! Save time and gas with a convenient telehealth appointment and get the treatment you need to feel better! 

Top 8 Reasons to Book a Dermatology Appointment

Barriers to Dermatology Appointments

Dermatology providers treat a wide range of skin hair and nail conditions, quickly and effectively.  But many prospective patients are hesitant to book appointments with a dermatologist.  Why is that?  

First, new patients may wait 2-3 months for an appointment with a dermatology provider.  Unfortunately there is a nationwide shortage of dermatologists. Moreover, most dermatologists practice in large cities, making the shortage even more pronounced to those living outside of a major metropolitan area.   

Secondly, we’ve been marketed to that our skin hair and nail problems can be cured with over the counter creams and lotions. Though some conditions may improve with daily care, most skin diseases need an expert treatment plan and prescription medication.

Lastly, insurance coverage for specialists can be hit-or-miss. Specialists, like dermatologists, may have higher copays or may not be in network with an insurance provider, further limiting access and increasing cost.   

With all of these hurdles, why should a patient book a dermatology appointment?  At Tennessee TeleDerm, we treat patients anywhere in Tennessee as long as they have a mobile device and internet service.  We have openings same week and often same day, because telehealth allows for more flexibility. Finally, we are in network with many commercial payers and Medicare, but we also offer a competitive self pay options.  

Reasons to Book a Dermatology Appointment

Acne (acne vulgaris).  Acne is the most common reason for visit to a dermatology office in the world. Acne causes several types of blemishes on the skin. Blemishes include whiteheads, blackheads, papules and deep cysts or nodules. These blemishes form because of hormone shifts that cause inflammation in the skin. Oil glands in the skin produce too much of a substance called sebum. It clogs pores. Non-pathologic bacteria can also be the cause. Acne is common among teenagers, but you can get it at any age. Acne lesions usually appear on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders. Acne isn’t life threatening, but it can be upsetting. Without proper treatment, it can also leave discoloration and permanent scars. Treatment includes prescription creams and gels, oral medications, chemical peels, and laser therapy.

Eczema.  Eczema is the umbrella term for several chronic skin conditions that cause swelling and inflammation of the skin. Skin can look red, swollen, dry, and scaly. Eczema is often distressing because it is very uncomfortable from the itching, stinging, and burning of the skin. The most common form of eczema is atopic dermatitis.  Atopic dermatitis begins in childhood, causing rashes, itching, trouble sleeping, skin infections, and self esteem problems.  Treatments include topical and systemic medications as well as lifestyle adjustments.

Psoriasis.  Psoriasis stems from a problems with the immune system. The overactive immune system causes inflammation in the skin and sometimes the joints. This causes skin cells to form too quickly. They pile up on the surface of the skin. These patches are called plaques. They can be thick and red and have silvery scales. They can be itchy or painful. They usually appear on the elbows, knees, legs, face and scalp. Sometimes they’re on palms and soles of feet. They can show up on the fingernails, genitals or inside the mouth, but this is less common. Dermatologists can diagnose psoriasis by looking at a skin sample under a microscope. Psoriasis is a chronic condition. Creams can help soothe the skin and help it heal. Treatment also may include oral medication to suppress the overactive immune system.

Hair Loss. Hair loss can occur for a myriad of reasons.  Most people shed about 100 hairs per day.  Aging, genetics, pregnancy, stress, and a variety of health issues can lead to hair loss.  A dermatology provider will assess your hair loss situation and provide a treatment plan that may include oral medications, topical medications or injections.  

Rosacea.  Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that can also affect the eyes. People with rosacea may look flushed. Redness usually appears on the nose, cheeks and chin. It might extend to the ears and chest, too. Sometimes, skin bumps and swelling occur. In severe cases, the skin gets thicker. Women and people with light skin have a higher risk of developing rosacea. Doctors aren’t sure what causes rosacea. It may occur when blood vessels expand too quickly. This could be because of heat, exercise, sunlight, wind, cold, spicy foods, alcohol or stress. These factors also may make symptoms worse. There’s no cure for rosacea. However, medication, laser therapy and lifestyle changes can help control symptoms.

Poison Ivy/ Poison Oak and Rashes.  Rashes come in all shapes and sizes with varying symptoms and causes.  A dermatology professional can assess the cause of the rash, and give specific treatment and guidance. 

Skin infections.  Skin or nail infections are caused by either fungus, viruses, yeast or bacteria. infections left untreated can lead to itchy , inflamed skin like athlete’s foot. Viruses can cause warts and herpes. Bacterial infections of the skin can become deadly if not treated with antibiotics. A dermatologist can diagnose the source of the infection and determine how best to treat it.Nail problems

Signs of aging.  Aging is a normal and predictable process. Yet skin can age prematurely due to excessive sun exposure. Excess sun exposure can lead to texture and pigment changes as well as skin cancers.  Addressing signs of aging improves skin health as much as it improves skin’s appearance.  

Can Tennessee TeleDerm Help?

At Tennessee TeleDerm, we are experts in Dermatology care! From acne to rashes, patients in Tennessee can count on convenient, high quality care when they book with Tennessee TeleDerm. Schedule your telehealth appointment today!